We use established tools to monitor, measure and analyze different areas of the market.
Mediana TGI (Target Group Index)
Mediana TGI Adria (Target Group Index)
Mediana Sporto brands Adria

Mediana TGI
(Target Group Index)
Mediana TGI offers the most accurate and complex description of consumer characteristics, brand usage, attitudes, their leisure activities and buying habits, readership, listenership, viewership and monitoring of other media, broad socio-demographic characteristics …
Mediana TGI Adria (Target Group Index)
Mediana TGI Adria enables comparison of different target groups in the region for a wide range of products and services. You can easily compare data to identify cross-border similarities and national differences. With Mediana TGI Adria, you get to know the detailed characteristics of markets and consumers, find new opportunities in the market, improve your advertising and come up with optimal media solutions for the whole region.
Mediana Sporto brands Adria
Sporto Brands is the highest and most prestigious award for athletes and sports clubs from the region. This award is given at the Sporto Conference since 2006. Award is based on brand strength research on representative samples of the general population in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. Sporto brands awards are given to the most powerful brands among men athletes, female athletes and sports clubs.